15 June, 2014

Days 21 & 22

We spent some time shopping in Edinburgh, taking advantage of our last opportunity to visit some British stores. We ate lunch at a Scottish comfort food diner called Mums. We then drove to Glasgow where we caught our one-hour flight back to Dublin. By the time our flight got in it was almost 8:00pm. We ate dinner at a Thai restaurant in Malahide Village, an area on the shore with a ton of restaurants. By the time we finished dinner, it was pretty late and we were all tired from the trip, so we went to our B&B and went straight to bed.

In the morning, we ate breakfast at our B&B, then went straight to the airport. We stayed closed to the airport on purpose, so the drive was only five minutes. We flew from Dublin to Philly, where we had a two-hour layover. We said goodbye to Kevin, who flew in to LAX, and my parents and I took our flight home to San Diego. It was a gorgeous trip, but a long one and by day 22, I was sick, tired, and glad to be home.

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