04 May, 2012

Sorry I haven't written in awhile; this week has had its ups and downs.  My cousin Kristie flew out from New Jersey and is staying with her sister Caitie for a few days.  The three of us went out for dinner on Monday, which was a lot of fun!  It's always nice when I'm feeling well enough to pretend I'm not sick and can go out and do something normal.

Even though I was feeling well, I almost wasn't allowed to have chemo!  This is what happened...

As most of you know, I've been having some problems with my white blood cell count.  They measure this through my absolute neutrophil count (ANC), which has a pattern of dropping really low, then bouncing back up after I have a few shots of neupogen.  In order to receive chemotherapy, a patient's ANC needs to be above 1500.  However, because a low ANC has been a pattern for me, and because I always bounce back up, my doctor has told me a few times that she would allow me to have chemo when my ANC is low, as long as it is above 500. Well, I had my blood drawn on Monday and my ANC was at 1100.  So no problem, right? ...wrong.  Fortunately for her, but unfortunately for me, my doctor was on vacation in Italy and she hadn't written down anywhere that I could have chemo even if my ANC was low.  We explained the situation to the charge nurse, who then called the on-call hematologist and explained the situation to him.  They called me back and told me to have a shot of neupogen and to try again on Wednesday, but that my chemo would probably be delayed an entire week.  After awhile of arguing with them, they allowed me to go in on Tuesday to have my blood re-checked.  And thankfully, my ANC was back up!  So I was able to have my chemo on Tuesday after all.  I am trying to plan a trip to Oregon for a friend's wedding.  The trip would be right after the end of my treatment, so pushing back my chemo for even a few days would mean I wouldn't make it to the wedding.  So I was extremely relieved to get my treatment on time!

I haven't been feeling too well the rest of the week, but each day gets a little better.  I've been have trouble eating and drinking, but am trying my best!  Please pray that my appetite returns and that I continue to feel better.  Thank you all for your love and support during this time!  This week, I've received emails, phone calls, letters, post cards, and packages!  I've been feeling extremely loved and blessed, so thank you!!

"You are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.  Pour out Your unfailing love on those who love you; give justice to those with honest hearts."
- Psalm 36:9-10

1 comment:

  1. So glad you were able to have your chemo on schedule love!! Praying you will get your appetite back, and that you'll get feeling better soon - cannot WAIT until you're back in Oregon w/ us! So much fun to be had!! :)
