01 March, 2012

I met with my oncologist today and received all of my test results.  It turns out, I'm extremely healthy! ...well, except for having cancer.  The important results we were waiting for was from the bone marrow test.  It came back all clear, which is good because it means I have stage II lymphoma instead of stage IV! Praise the Lord!  

Now that all my testing is done, I'm ready to start treatment!  I have the option of if I want to have four cycles of chemo, or two cycles of chemo plus some radiation.  I'm leaning toward doing all chemo and, if that's the case, I'll go in for treatment every other Friday for the next four months.  I'm also scheduled to have my blood drawn every Thursday, just so they can make sure everything is going smoothly.  I'll be starting my first round of chemotherapy tomorrow!  I'm a little nervous because the treatment is probably going to make me feel icky, but the sooner I get it all over with, the better!  It will probably last for four or five hours, or a little longer tomorrow because it's my first time.  So I'm looking forward to catching up on some reading and movies during the treatment.

Please just keep me in your prayers, that the side effects won't be too unbearable, and that the treatment would truly work and destroy the cancer cells.


In the doctor's office
"Bless the Lord, oh my soul;
and all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, oh my soul,
and forget not all His benefits:
He forgives all my iniquities,
He heals all my diseases,
He redeems my life from destruction,
He crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies,
He satisfies my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed."
-  Psalm 103:1-5


  1. Praise God that your bone marrow came back negative!!! Less chemo, no more drilling into your bone, I'm sure you're glad about both of those :) I'll be praying for you tomorrow love, call or text me if you need a distraction (I don't have to work, yay!). In my prayers always <3

  2. I'm so happy to hear that the test results were negative. I'm praying the overall "experience" will be as pleasant as possible. I know it's natural to be nervous about the chemo, but just be mindful that everyone's experience isn't the same, so don't concern yourself to much with all of the "bad stuff" you hear. I'll be praying that you won't have to worry about feeling "icky", and that you will recover completely.
    Praying for you daily
    ~Bran =0)
    Phil 4:6-7
