18 March, 2011

Atlanta has been graced with the beauty of spring! I am awakened by sparrows singing love songs from tree branches. The sidewalks are lined with blossoming daffodils and abandoned lots are freckled with vibrant bursts of color.

This week, Caz gave us a beautiful poem to reflect on. It resonated deep in my soul. I am posting it here in hopes that it resonates with you as well.
Springtime Jesus
You, Springtime Jesus,
just as I'd settled down for the winter,
you broke into my heart
and danced your love right across it
in a mad excess of giving.
Just as I'd got comfortable
with bare branches and unfeeling,
just as my world was neatly black and white,
there you were,
kicking up flowers
all over the place.

Springtime Jesus,
I tried to find a way to tell you
that there were places
where you could or could not dance.
I wanted to guide you on my paths
and have you sign the visitor's book;
but you laughed right through my words
and sang to me your melting song,
causing sap to fire the branches,
causing the flames of buds
to flicker into green bonfires,
causing a windquake of blossom,
causing burstings, searings, breakings,
causing growth-pain,
causing life.

Springtime Jesus,
the fulness of life can be frightening
and I'm lacking in courage.
It isn't easy to live with a heart
that's wide open to invasion.
Teach me, Jesus, how to move with you,
step for step, in your love dance.
Touch my fears with your melting song.
Gift me with your laughter,
and, in the mystery of your Springtime,
show me the truth of the blossoming Cross.

Oh, how I love springtime! I love the new life, healthy plants, and the beautiful blossoms that come in the spring! It is such a joyful season, but the dreariness of winter is necessary for the health, beauty, and joy of the spring to come. The earth needs the rain in order to be fruitful. Even the snow, which may seem unnecessary and harsh for plants, provides the soil with rich nutrients that cannot be obtained any other way. And although the winter may seem long and sometimes dreadful, God is always faithful to bring us the spring! This speaks volumes into my life! Whenever I'm struggling through hard times, cold times, or dreary times, God is always faithful to bring new life and beauty as a result of the hardship.

I really enjoy this poem. It truly captures the momentum of spring bursting forth. I thought it was interesting to read of the author's resistance to the change. This stuck out to me:
I tried to find a way to tell you
that there were places
where you could or could not dance
I think this need for control seeps out into so many areas of our lives. Walking through our neighborhood, I see some yards that have been taken care of, some that have been neglected, and others that belong to long-abandoned houses. But the places where I have seen the most new life are the desolate places. People have tended to their yards and don't allow wild plants to flourish there, yet daffodils are blossoming all over empty lots. There is so much beauty in this!

Likewise, I often try to control what areas of my life I will let God into. But He wants to control my spiritual "springtime." He knows where I need new life. If I yield to God, to Springtime Jesus, then my life will be like this poem, bursting, searing, and breaking, but fill of beauty and life.

I spent today at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. And what beauty I found there! For awhile, I sat and watched as several people walked by, admiring the different varieties of flowers. These people reminded me of patrons at an art museum, walking a few feet, then stopping to discuss the specific hues of each work of art. Except today, the artist was God. I pray that today you would experience springtime and find peace and joy in God's beautiful and glorious art!

From Atlanta, with Love

These ones remind me of Alice in Wonderland

And of course, no garden is complete without St. Francis de Assisi

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Lauren! Happy spring to you tho we have a few more days until it is official. Have a safe trip for spring break love aunt paula
