Happy Easter!! Today we celebrate the fact that the Savior of my soul has conquered sin and death and has risen from the dead! If that's not a reason to celebrate, I don't know what is!
And another reason to celebrate... I wasn't expecting to feel very well this weekend, but all of your prayers must have been working because I've felt great! Yesterday, my parents took my cousin Caitie and me out to lunch in Coronado. It was a warm, beautiful day and was nice to get out of the house. Afterward, we went to an early Easter service at church. It was the first time I've felt well enough to go to church since I started treatment. Afterwards, I was blessed by several of the pastors praying over me for peace and healing.
We went out for brunch today and then went on a nice drive out to an adorable little town called Julian. Spring is my favorite season, so it was great to get out of the city and see hillsides of beautiful wildflowers bursting forth and lifting their faces to the heavens. We looked around a few little shops and had a delicious lunch at the Julian Cafe. I found this sweet little saying on the placemat...

It reads, "sometimes the Lord calms the storm; sometimes He lets the storm rage, and calms the child." A lot of people have asked me how I'm feeling about everything, and this saying just about sums it up. Having cancer seems so terrible, but besides sometimes feeling bad physically, I've been filled with a sense of peace and calm that can only have come from God Himself. Some have asked if this has made me doubt my faith or made me mad at God, but in fact, it's just the opposite. I know that everything happens for a reason and that God has orchestrated every detail of my life, but it's sometimes easy to forget that. When life seems only to consist of going to classes or the same job day after day, it can be easy to overlook the intricate workings of God in our lives. But when hit with a massive, life-altering circumstance like cancer, I instantly knew that God was, is, and will be working through this situation. I will admit, it's occasionally difficult to imagine that any good can come from something like this, but I have faith in the Lord that He knows what's best and will not let me down. And I can't think of a better day than Easter to remember this! For if Jesus is able to conquer death, what can I possibly be afraid of?
I do want to ask for prayer. I will get my blood checked again tomorrow and would like to ask for prayers that I am not neutropenic again!! Also, please pray that I would continue feeling well and having minimal side effects. But what I really want to ask is for you to pray for a sweet little girl named Daisy Love Merrick. Daisy is seven years old and has been battling cancer for the past three years. Last week, after more than six months of clean scans, doctors found another tumor.
You can visit her blog by clicking here. Her family and her story have been a great comfort and inspiration to me during this time. Please, please keep them in your prayers!
"And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
- Romans 8:28